The 2024 BeMovieSeeMovies!
It’s time for MY awards, the BeMovieSeeMovies! Yes I’m still workshopping the title. Another year another wonderfully eclectic mixture of stuff, from obvious choices like …
It’s time for MY awards, the BeMovieSeeMovies! Yes I’m still workshopping the title. Another year another wonderfully eclectic mixture of stuff, from obvious choices like …
I remember walking through the Wells St. Art Festival in Chicago, enjoying one of the many amazing summer festivals the city has to offer. And …
Call it the Armie Hammer effect. After spending time with a vile, real life cannibal, Luca Guadagnino and Timothee Chalamet found a safe space to …
Good old Netflix, just keep on churning. After the high profile nonsense known as Red Notice, the following week they give us Passing, which if …
There was a time, a few years ago, where Steven Soderbergh retired from filmmaking. That was a real loss to the movie world: even Soderbergh’s …
It’s pretty easy to see why Ava DuVernay was attracted to A Wrinkle in Time. She must have read that novel as a young girl, …
Despite homosexuality being more accepted today, it is still a very intense experience to open yourself up about who you are to people you care …
2014 was the year of attempting biopics of larger than life people. Frankie Valli’s was terrible. Stephen Hawking’s and James Brown’s were ok. Alan Turing’s …