Movie Review: My Penguin Friend
Hollywood is perpetually slow on the upkeep. Do you know how many pet owners there are out there? And yes, there’s a decent amount of …
Hollywood is perpetually slow on the upkeep. Do you know how many pet owners there are out there? And yes, there’s a decent amount of …
Ridley’s done enough. Ridley Scott came up with the concept for the 1979 Alien, one of the great films ever made. He also injected the …
You don’t stop being a father in jail. For the dads in this movie, there are Daughters out there, wishing, hoping, for their chance to …
Sets and props. That’s all you need. Damian McCarthy clearly didn’t have a big budget to make Oddity. But necessity is the mother of invention: …
There are lots of great movie eras I would have loved a chance to observe up close. The American 70’s renaissance. Akira Kurosawa’s post war …
Cuckoo is so much fun to say. It’s very silly, but also implies something deranged is going on the deeper you think about it. Silly …
The Instigators is the male version of Mamma Mia! Everyone here, Matt Damon, Casey Affleck, Doug Liman, and the rest of the stacked cast look …
Space race rom com! Clap, clap, clap clap clap. Space race rom com! Clap, clap, clap clap clap. That 4 word pitch, with a dose …
As Bo Burnham’s Eighth Grade showed us, the junior high experience has gotten even more horrifying in the social media age. What was already a …
At some point we’ve gotta stop giving M. Night Shyamalan creative control of his projects right? Trap is another in Night’s recent resurgence that starts …