Movie Review: Ruby Sparks
Distributed by the same company that created (500) Days of Summer, Ruby Sparks contains many similarities to the 2009 hit. The leads are indie darlings. …
Distributed by the same company that created (500) Days of Summer, Ruby Sparks contains many similarities to the 2009 hit. The leads are indie darlings. …
A movie like Ted has a low bar. Fortunately, Seth McFarlane is great at jumping over low bars. His shows like Family Guy and the …
Anger Management could have been a fascinating “pass the torch” movie. It takes one of the great comedians of today, Adam Sandler, and puts him …
Mismatched buddy pairings don’t get much better than the Intouchables. I’ll admit, part of me went into this movie hoping to see some foreign version …
Robert Frost wrote “Two Roads Diverged in a narrow wood/ and I took the one less traveled by,” which pretty much describes the routes that …
I don’t quite understand the trend of decade long trilogies. I suppose it is because the first is a proven moneymaker, and filmmakers want to stretch …
Cabin in the Woods owes a debt to Scream. Scream turned an entire genre of movies into a formula and used kids who understood the …
I have had “reunions” with several of my high school friends. They are fascinating affairs. People who loved their time relive their glory days and …
Goon is one of the best sports movies I have seen in recent years. It takes the best parts of Slap Shot and modernizes it …