The Top Movies of 1934
This year has a couple romcom bangers at the top of the list. I’ve found the early romantic comedies a hit and miss affair, but …
Top 10 movies for each year.
This year has a couple romcom bangers at the top of the list. I’ve found the early romantic comedies a hit and miss affair, but …
This is a hodgepodge of a year. There’s something for everyone here: comedy, horror, adventure, dancing, gangsters, romance. In general, I’ve either forgotten or only …
I’m so happy this happened one of these years! I’ve watched a good number of comedies from this era, and many of them to me …
Kids lives changed forever in 1937. An era of previously untapped moviemaking was unleashed on the world, forever changing the possibilities of cinema, and creating …
At this point the movie industry is rounding into form. However, 1938 in particular is a weird year. Yes, there’s romcoms and movies by great …
The close of the decade of Hollywood’s explosion into international stratosphere leads to their best year yet, with somewhere between 4 and 7 all time …
I suppose the worries of war were upon Hollywood at the time. As such, studios really put out lots of fine cinema for everyone to …
World War II began for the US this year, so movie production, as you can imagine, grinded to halt for noble reasons. That being said, …
This year is kind of a miracle. There’s not a wide list of great films in the year, barely 10 actually. However, inside of those …
With a war going on, I’d be more worried if the movies were exceptional. With the world mobilizing to war, it’s just not the best …